1-800-584-5545 [email protected]

At maxRTE, want to keep our clients educated and engaged – allowing each to stay connected to our company, our team, and our software and services.

For more than 20 years, our parent company – maxRTE – has provided first-class assistance to physician groups, clinics, hospitals and healthcare systems. We have covered everything from eligibility verification and payment conversion services to revenue cycle management and billing services.

With our new blog, our goal is to provide our longtime clients and even first-time guests with insightful and engaging information that highlights useful topics and items:

  • Real-Life Applications: We believe strongly in sharing how to get the most from efficient eligibility verification processes and software. Often that’s best done by showcasing real-life scenarios. These types of blog posts will identify specific scenarios that others have encountered and how they’ve used maxRTE to address issues.
  • Detailed Responses to FAQs: There are quite a few questions frequently asked by prospective, new and existing clients that we already address briefly within our actual website. However, sometimes it takes more extensive exploration than a simple question/answer format. These specific blog posts will take some of those major questions and provide a lot more information and context than found elsewhere in our documentation or on our website.
  • Industry Reports & Case Studies: Our blog will also feature more analytical posts that examine best practices in eligibility verification, payments, registration and more. We’ve already referenced some of these within our site; but these blogs will focus on a broader spectrum of that type of data.
  • Top Tips for Customers: Our top tips will cover different areas to consider when looking for or using eligibility verification software. Tips may include such topics as: “How can I find and collect on unpaid insurance-eligible self-pays? How can I use various tools to improve the efficiency and productivity of my medical office and staff? What are the long-term benefits of investing in eligibility verification best practices?”
  • Our Software and Support Services: We will feature posts that focus on getting the most from our software. You may have only scratched the surface in using maxRTE. These posts will take a deep-dive into our complete line of services – showcasing the various features and benefits that make them solid investment options for your healthcare facility.

In addition to this informative content, our maxRTE team will continue to recognize our success stories as well as the honest feedback and testimonials that we receive from our customers. Our primary objective for launching this blog is to provide our past, present and future clients with the information and services that they need in one central location.

We invite you to bookmark this page so that you’ll be able to stay up-to-date on all of our new posts and updates in the weeks, months and years to come!